Construction with twin-walls
Modern buildings

Twin-wall starter set

Twin-wall starter set

The twin wall - also known as tripple wall, element wall, cavity wall or lattice girder wall - is increasingly being used in all areas of construction. The walls can be individually designed, have physical properties such as in-situ concrete walls and enable fast construction by using precast concrete elements. Element ceilings / semi-finished ceilings can also be produced efficiently with this system.

Due to the special manufacturing technology, stationary production technology is less suitable for the manufacture of twin walls. For this reason, circulation systems are usually used, but they are very complex and expensive to purchase and maintain.

The key to the twin-wall market

With the BETA twin-wall starter set we close the gap between stationary production and circulation systems. The starter set enables you to quickly and effectively get started with double wall production. Use proven components and keep complexity and your investment risk low.

The starter set allows you to set up a production area for twin walls, triple walls, element walls, hollow walls, lattice girder walls or element ceilings / semi-finished ceilings, even where space is limited, e.g. in an existing production hall. The arrangement of the individual components can be adapted to your spatial conditions. The construction of a production line is thus possible with a relatively short lead time.


Send us your product enquiry! We will create an individual offer with the best of terms.

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Product flyer

Flyer-EN-BETA-Twin-wall-starter-set.pdf [5,14 MB]

Enquiry for twin-wall starter set

Send us your details for a product enquiry! We will create an individual offer with the best of terms.
If further details need to be clarified to create the proposal, we will get in touch with you.


Available area for the production line, e.g. the size of the hall or property


Number/area of elements to be produced in a given period of time


Your components that are to be integrated into the plant, e.g. pallets, concreting buckets, ...

Your Data
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Components of the starter set

Components of starter set

Benefits of starter set

  • Lower investment risk by comparison
  • Short delivery time of the plant (starting from 8 weeks)
  • Starter set individually expandable
  • Can be upgraded to a circulation plant
  • Low system complexity with simple operation
  • Higher output than stationary production technology

Extension to a circulation system

Because of the modular design a later enhancement to a full circulation system is possible. For this purpose various components are available, such as:

Roller blocks, Friction wheels, Cross-over trolley, Pallet cleaner, Formwork cleaner, Plotter or Laser, Concrete distributor, Concrete leveler, Pallet stacker lifting unit, Curing chamber, Tilting station, Control solution, ...

Production of twin-wall elements

using the starter set

Step 1

Concreting pallet one

Insert reinforcement, concreting and vibrating the concrete

Step 2

Lift off pallet one

Grab pallet with quick-release locks of turning device and lift off

Step 3

Put pallet one on stack

Insert the stacking feet and set pallet on stacks for hardening

Step 4

Prepare and concrete pallet two

Insert reinforcement, concreting and vibrating the concrete

Step 5

Get pallet one and turn it over

Collect pallet one from stack, set element fixing and turn it over

Step 6

Place wall part one on wall part two

Placing wall part one on wall part two and vibrating the concrete

Ready made twin-walls

Storage twin-wals

Lift hardened elements from pallet two and store them on stacks until delivery

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