Moulds for shaft structures

We develop and manufacture formwork for shaft structures for all manufacturing processes, whether casting, pressing or vibration. Depending on the application of the end-product and the design of the moulding device, fluid, plastic or earth-moist concretes can be used.

We have specialised in casting moulds for standard concrete, self-compacting SVB concrete and polymer concrete. The compacting may be implemented with external vibrators, internal vibrators or on vibration tables.

If there is a requirement to replace or expand moulds for immediate formwork removal for shaft machines from all manufacturers, we can supply cores, jackets and profile rings for the best terms.

Standards: DIN 4034-1 or DIN 4034-2.


Product flyer

Flyer-EN-BETA-Moulds-precast-concrete-elements.pdf [4,81 MB]

Product range

Complete casting moulds for formwork-hardening products (standard concrete, SVB or polymer concrete):

  • Shaft lower sections
  • Shaft rings, adapter rings
  • Shaft throats, cones
  • Cover plates, transition plates
  • Shaft pipes

Moulds for immediate formwork removal for pipe machines from all manufacturers (earth-moist concrete):

  • Cores and jackets
  • Profile rings, base sleeves, press rings
  • Systems with climbing staples or climbing irons

Refurbishment and repair of moulding devices from any system.


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