Lifting beams lowered!

Wednesday, 14.02.2024


LOADLIMIT now also offers linear lifting beams and H-shaped lifting beams with a lower overall height as an alternative.

The TBX-II linear lifting beam and the THX-II H-shaped lifting beam are characterized by a lower overall height compared to the normal versions (TBX and THX). As a result, the crane and load supports have a smaller vertical clearance so that loads can be moved safely even with limited crane height (e.g. in halls or under gantry cranes).

Our crane lifting beams with reduced height are available in the same load range (1-30 t) and size spectrum as the models with conventional design. Most extensions are also available for the flat lifting beams.

Configure trusses according to your requirements:
TBX-II beam truss:
H-beam THX-II:

LOADLIMIT traverse program 2024:

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