Retaining wall formwork
The hydraulic moulding system enables the production of retaining wall panels in fair-faced concrete quality, with the greatest possible cost-effectiveness.
Conical shutters, milled profiles on all sides and sealing with hollow rubber seals guarantee watertight shuttering areas. The outstanding production results and cost-effectiveness of this formwork system are absolutely convincing.
Concrete plant equipment
TECHNOPLAN Angle-element formwork MS-WSE
Milled, conical shutters for direct shuttering, milled profiles with triangular chamfers on all sides and hollow rubber seals on all sealing surfaces guarantee absolutely watertight shuttering areas.
After removal of the base formers, the elements are hydraulically lowered 190 mm from the core wall on the base surfaces and can be immediately demolded due to the conical shape (2 x 1.5 mm). This ensures a fast and damage-free demolding process.
The excellent production results, as well as the economic efficiency of this formwork system are convincing.
WMS I - single-sided demoldable
WMS Z - tandem mold with fixed core
The formwork system has an automatic hydraulic locking system. The foot moulds are multi-stage adjustable for different foot heights. The equipment includes built-in and fully wired vibrators as well as frequency converters with radio remote control (as single or central converters).
Molds are divided according to customer requirements (length 6,500 - 12,500 mm, element height 550 - 3,050 mm, element width 490 - 990 mm, reductions in 250 mm grid, stepless with magnetic shuttering, wall thickness e.g. 120 mm). Optional equipment with voutes for heavy load cases is possible.
Features & Advantages
- Hydraulic drive
- Automatic locking
- Foot formwork adjustable in several steps
- Division and lengths according to requirements
- Form lengths 6,500 to 12,500 mm
- Element heights 550 - 3,050 mm
- Element widths 490 - 990 mm
- Reductions grid 250 mm
- Optionally with voutes for heavy load cases
- Integrated vibrators and converters with remote control